About Wexford People Helping People
Wexford People Helping People is a local charity established in 2015 – initially beginning as a community sit in Christmas Day Dinner – free of charge to those who are in need or alone. It has developed into an organisation that supports individuals every day of the year – around the clock. We provide our community Christmas Dinner every Christmas Day – as well as running a Santa Initiative supporting parents who cannot afford to cover the cost of presents for their children
Each week a Soup Kitchen hosted by WPHP volunteers at CBS Primary School distributes 400 meals on Thursday and Saturday nights to help those less fortunate in the community.
On Monday and Thursday nights the crew run the Help Me Through The Night Mental Health Pop-Up Cafe in our Wexford People Helping People shop in Anne Street – Wexford from 10pm-2am. Through this initiative we make referrals for counselling and cover the cost of counselling sessions to support those who cannot financially access services – during cafe hours we provide a listening ear, refreshments and snacks for free to our service users.
WPHP provide a full time advocacy service, food hamper provision, clothing and household items and general support when requested.
WPHP also support parents with back to school initiatives – communion and confirmation pop up shops and provide the clothing for free.
The crew provide daily support for those affected by homelessness, advocacy, rough sleeping equipment, clothing, referrals for medical reasons and meal support. They often cover the cost of emergency accommodation for rough sleepers when they are unable to access supports through the local authority.
We have since opened our own charity shop and advice clinics based in our Wexford People Helping People shop in Anne Street, Wexford
We are here in our charity shop Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm our advice clinics are open in the shop from 1pm-4.30pm Monday – Saturday but appointments can be made outside of these hours by contacting us through our Wexford People Helping People Facebook page
All of these initiatives are provided thanks to the generosity of the local community – donating financially and with food/clothing/household items
WPHP have a team of trained volunteers available around the clock. If you or someone you know is in difficulty – never be afraid to reach out. We are available 24/7 every day of the year.